
September 27, 2022 Presbytery Papers

Attached Files

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220927 Combined Papers.pdfDownload
Call for 220927 Meeting.pdfDownload
220927 PAPER A Docket.pdfDownload
220927 PAPER A-1 Omnibus Motion 1.pdfDownload
220927 PAPER A-2 Special Rules of Order - hybrid.pdfDownload
220927 PAPER B Order of Worship.pdfDownload
220927 PAPER C Stated Clerks Report.pdfDownload
220927 PAPER C-1 Littlefield AC.pdfDownload
220927 PAPER C-2 Westminster AC.pdfDownload
220927 PAPER C-3 St Johns AC.pdfDownload
220927 PAPER C-4 Installation report.pdfDownload
220927 PAPER C-5 220524 Minutes.pdfDownload
220927 PAPER C-6 elder_equalization.pdfDownload
220927 PAPER C-7 Statistics.pdfDownload
220927 PAPER C-8 Thika Letter.pdfDownload
220927 PAPER C-9 SOC Report.pdfDownload
220927 PAPER E Report of the Trustees.pdfDownload
220927 PAPER E-1 Audit Report.pdfDownload
220927 PAPER F Nominations.pdfDownload
220927 PAPER G Report of the Coordinating Cabinet.pdfDownload
220927 PAPER G-1 Operations Report.pdfDownload
220927 PAPER H CPM Report to Presbytery.pdfDownload
220927 PAPER I COM Report.pdfDownload
Living Waters for the World Flyer.pdfDownload

1 Comment

  1. Thanks much Marianne on the COM report.

    Can I ask for a clarification on the Equalization of Elders (paper C-6). Three questions: 1) If I add the 16 for Elder members and the church elder #, I only come up with a total of 129. Page 1 subtotal is 57+16 and Page 2 subtotal is 56 for a grand total of 129. 2) why are elders allocated for Dearborn Littlefield (1 elder) that was decommissioned in Dec 2021, and Trumbull Ave (2 elders) that had it’s final service May 21, 2022, and 3) why does POD use 2021 Mbr. count (actually as of Dec 31, 2020) data when Dec 31, 2021 member data is available?

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