
May 24, 2022 Presbytery Papers

Attached Files

220524 COMBINED PAPERS.pdfDownload
Clerks Tip 23 Helpful Parliamentary Hints_1651603831 (3).pdfDownload
220524 PAPER A Docket_1652804159.pdfDownload
220524 PAPER A-1 Omnibus Motion 1.pdfDownload
220226 PAPER A-2 Minutes.pdfDownload
220524 PAPER A-3 Special Rules of Order - hybrid.pdfDownload
220524 PAPER A-4 Westminster AC.pdfDownload
220524 PAPER A-5 AC report Trumbull Avenue.pdfDownload
220524 PAPER B Order of Worship.pdfDownload
220524 PAPER D Report of the Trustees.pdfDownload
220524 PAPER E CoN Report.pdfDownload
220524 PAPER F Report of the Coordinating Cabinet.pdfDownload
220524 Report of the Coordinating Cabinet Paper F.pdfDownload
220524 PAPER F-1 Ranney Balch Grants Proposal.pdfDownload
220524 PAPER F-2 Operations Report 5.11.22 (1).pdfDownload
220524 PAPER G CPM Report.pdfDownload
220524 PAPER H COM Report.pdfDownload
220524 PAPER I Stated Clerks Report.pdfDownload
220524 PAPER I-2 Covenant AC.pdfDownload
220524 PAPER I-4 Littlefield AC.pdfDownload
220524 PAPER I-6 Edwin Estevez AC.pdfDownload
220524 PAPER I-7 COMMISSION REPORT_Lincicome.pdfDownload
220524 PAPER I-8 POD-Barabas Grand River closing letter 4-2022 (1) (2) (1) (1).pdfDownload
220524 Paper I-9 Synod of the Covenant AC for Detroit Presbytery Report.pdfDownload


  1. A question on the COM report Under Installation Commissions, 2nd bullet point regarding Rev. Dr. Jeff Lincicome of GPMC. The long sentence seems awkward and odd about the commissioners that were removed. Possibly a result of incomplete cutting and pasting?

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